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Larry Grondahl,


As a principal of the firm and AP+I’s senior architect, Larry is responsible for overseeing quality control and code compliance for all architectural projects, as well as managing the project management staff. His strengths include design and planning of architectural interiors and extensive knowledge of building codes and ADA requirements. Larry enjoys the challenge of balancing the many real-life obstacles of the construction process to provide the user with a livable working environment where they can thrive.

To this end, he is always keeping up with new technologies, products and trends including sustainable design and disabled accessibility. Larry is a State of California Licensed Architect, member of the Santa Clara Valley Chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and is a LEED Accredited Professional. In his spare time, he plays jazz guitar, attends jazz concerts, follows the Giants, gardens and hikes.

Joined AP+I in 1996.

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