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Transformation of Line

Combining the client’s guiding principles, user requirements, a second generation space, a relatively fast schedule and a modest budget defined the overall direction of this 8-story building’s project. This is fun and what we enjoy at AP+I Design; working with clients who understand the benefits of good design and challenge us to combine their vision with our talent within a budget and schedule.

The project was a holistic approach to design problem solving that utilized both AP+I Design’s Interiors and Environmental Graphic Design Studios. We developed a strong design concept – Transform + Reveal. We took “Line” and transformed it in various ways on each floor using light, materials, wall layout, color and graphics to reveal the unexpected. Regional references supported the graphic design, revealing places to inspire.

The project design and documentation were concurrent activities while the permitting and construction were phased and staggered. The phasing of the project allowed for managing the City and County review schedules, construction staggering of the floors and helped to manage procurement. The most rewarding part of the project was the cohesive team; including the client, project manager, general contractor, engineers and consultants, while maintaining the client standards and project goals. It was a success for all involved!

Location  Sunnyvale, CA
Square Footage  225,000
Completion Date  August 2020
General Contractor  Level 10 Construction
Photographer  John Sutton

Scope  Interior Architecture + Environmental Graphic Design