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Cymel Morada


Cymel came on board at AP+I Design with 14 years of professional experience in architectural design and construction with projects ranging from various core and shell commercial offices, retail, corporate campuses, small scale parking structures, historical building renovations, and interior improvements, including 6 years in high-end custom single family residences on the Monterey Peninsula. She values each project she is involved with and has come to believe that the true success of a project comes not just from the way it looks, but by the success it brings to its users and the community. Cymel feels every person she meets has something positive in them that she can learn from and absorb to make her a better person. She is motivated to be a valuable contributor by focusing on how people feel and experience a space, promoting an environment that brings out positivity in people.

When not working, Cymel volunteers at the local elementary school, is preparing for the California licensing exams and focuses on spending quality time with her family and learning to play the acoustic guitar.

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